Basic Facials

How often should I get a facial?

Facials should be a part of your regular skin care routine. Depending on your age, your skin type, and the results you want, you should aim to schedule facial treatments once a month or at a minimum of every other month. However, it’s important to discuss your skin type and unique skin care needs with your Aesthetician to determine exactly how often you should schedule your facials.

What does a facial do for my skin?

Facials at Bombshell Esthetics are customized skin care treatments. Our treatments are designed to maintain and improve your skin by determining and  addressing your unique needs, providing the foundation necessary for healthy glowing skin. All of our  facials include thoroughly cleansing, toning, and moisturizing the skin; facials may also include targeted ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid, retinol and vitamins to clarify and improve skin tone, color, and texture. Our facials also includes exfoliations/removing dead skin cells for a more luminous smoother skin, clear the pores to improve acne, prevent breakouts, reduce hyperpigmentation and minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles for a younger, healthier appearance.

Who can benefit from facials?

Facials are for everyone. Just like a mani,pedi facials are a great way to pamper yourself.

What is a Jelly mask?

A HydroJelly Mask is a "jelly-like" mask that provides multiple benefits to your skin such as hydrating, smoothing, moisture retention, cleansing, exfoliating, conditioning skin, toning and reducing inflammation. It is hypoallergenic and smooths skin leaving it with a glow-like appearance. Jelly masks are made mainly with refined alginate. They contain much more alginate than regular rubber masks. That's why Jelly mask texture is like jelly, which provides extra full hydration and instant cool and soothing effects all at once. They also create a silky soft, vacuum-like seal over the skin. This function is the most important! Under the vacuum seal, the mask pushes hydration and nourishing ingredients (from the mask and also other previously applied skincare ingredients still remaining on the skin) deep into the skin. This is why we suggest using Jelly mask for 15-20 minutes near the end of a skincare protocol in order to push all applied nutrition into the skin perfectly.

How do I care for my skin after a facial?

Getting the most from your facial means proper aftercare steps following your treatment with your Aesthetician. Avoid applying makeup or other products to the skin right after a facial, as your newly-opened pores need time to breathe. If possible, avoid sunlight and consider relaxing or taking a nap right after your facial to keep your mind and body relaxed. Drinking water or green tea can help you stay hydrated and improve circulation and metabolism after your facial, helping the body to naturally remove toxins that have been released through massage. Also, don’t work-out or do any activities that would cause you to sweat because it may irritate the skin. Finally, following a healthy skin care routine, including toning, moisturizing, and wearing sunscreen daily, can help you maintain healthy, beautiful skin between your facial appointments. If you have any questions about the best at-home products to use for your skin type, your Aesthetician can help you develop a personalized skin care plan.